Saturday 1 November 2014

Full Moon in Pisces Tues 9th Sept 2014

Full Moon in Pisces tomorrow Tues 9th Sept is the last of the super full moons this year. As always this waxing Moon's influence may be felt four days before and four days after. Feeling more emotional, more confused, disorientated, moody or crazy? These are all typical full moon effects. Heightened sensitivity is also common during a Full Moon period. As this moon is in Pisces, a mutable water sign many people may find that their emotions are very changeable and Pisces being a romantic, vague, intuitive, creative sign, you may be stirred by music, compassionate or whimsical matters. Escapism and wanting to bury one's head in the sand could be another possible feeling for some people, as could strange thinking as Pisces is ruled by Neptune. As Mercury the planet of thoughts in Libra will be in square to Pluto and Uranus strange or vivid dreams are more likely too and heightened psychic ability could be interesting. Old equations may no longer add up. A very important aspect is Chiron the planet of wounds and healing will be conjunct (i.e. very close to) this Moon so please be prepared for the possibility of old emotions rising to the surface, of childhood wounds rising to your consciousness, of addictions feeling stronger and escalating feelings that can feel overwhelming. Knowledge is power though and wise Saturn in Scorpio in positive trine to this Moon can transform and assist healing old wounds. Do not be scared to seek professional help if need be. And if you feel more tearful or emotional don't be scared to cry, releasing emotions is good!

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