Saturday 1 November 2014

Jupiter enters Leo - 16th July 2014

This Wed 16th July Jupiter enters Leo until 12 Aug 2015. It takes 12 years for Jupiter to pass through the entire 12 zodiac signs. So what does this mean? Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, optimism, expansion, abundance and protection and excess . Jupiter has been in Cancer since July 2013 which means 4th house/Cancerian matters i.e. family and home experienced focus and the opportunity for amends. Cancer is an water sign so a heightened emotional year for many families and relationships generally. Leo is a fire sign and relates to the 5th house of fun, love affairs, children, creativity, sports and entertainment so generally increased socialising, adventures, positive energy and more births are predicted for this year. Jupiter is at home in this fire sign and encourages self expression. Jupiter in Leo is great for TV, the arts and entertainment world too. Of course, depending on your unique birth chart, calculated from your date, time of birth & location an astrologer could tell you in which area of life this fortuitous planet could be affecting you. So if for example your natal 10th house is Leo, and Jupiter would therefore be passing through this your career could experience fortunate opportunities.

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