Wednesday, 20 May 2015

18th May - New Moon in Taurus & Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

Today May 18th brings a New Moon in earthy Taurus and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini. The New Moon and the approximate 24 hours can be a good time to set about initiating new intentions or planting new seeds. A beneficial point to look at what we might need or want to acquire and manifest in the physical realm plus what we could do to get what we want, as Taurus is one of the most materialistic and physical signs in the zodiac. Make the most of this Taurus energy too as soon the Sun will no longer be in Taurus but moves into faster paced Gemini. This New Moon in Taurus is opposite Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn so try not to allow ambitions to be thwarted simply because of a lack of self confidence or self believe. Today Mercury Retrogrades until 11th June in Gemini (passing back from 14 degrees Gemini to 4 degrees Gemini.) Pluto and Saturn are still Retrograde too so combined with Gemini Mercury revisiting old schools of thought, reflecting on new ways to communicate and reviewing mental insights are possible in this air sign. Don't be surprised if strange computer or technology blips increase or increased miscommunication occurs during this Merc Ret period. A good time to revisit or think about old matters and possibly play devil's advocate sometimes to revolutionise old concepts. Deciding what you intend to begin during this New Moon while finishing or re visiting or re writing or making adjustments to past projects during this Mercury Retrograde is all positive.
Venus entered sentimental Cancer on May 8th and remains there until June 5th - a sympathetic, romantic yet potentially moody influence. As this Venus is in opposition to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn from 21st be aware power plays, emotional manipulation or feelings of jealousy, fear or insecurity could be aroused or experienced over a several day period.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Full Moon in Scorpio Sun/3rd Mon 4th May in T- Square to Jupiter

Monday 4th May 4.42 am (UK time) the Moon is full in Scorpio. Whenever there is a full moon it means the moon is opposite the sun. As the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Scorpio issues regarding material security versus emotional security, form versus transformation and what is tangible versus what is mystical may be relevant. Embrace the intensity of this Scorpio Moon and you could find passions rise. It is a sexy full Moon which can delve deep psychologically. The Full Moon like the New Moon can be a good time to look at 'intentions.' Rather than setting new ones as during the New Moon, the Full Moon can be good for letting go of anything that no longer serves you well or to release anything, IF you need to. Breakthroughs or revelations sometimes surface through dreams (or the unconscious) and as Pluto (Scorpio's ruler) is Retrograde releasing anything emotionally or psychologically should be even more cathartic.General restlessness, stronger emotions or heightened sensitivity or intuitive ability is likely with this Full Moon in water Scorpio. I read that Buddha was said to have been born during a Taurus Sun, Full Moon - this is known as the Wesak Moon when legend says Buddha's spirit returns to Earth once a year at the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas. Some people believe it is easier to tune into him or channel his energy at this time. This Full Moon is in a T-square to Jupiter in Leo so excess, over doing things or being over judgemental is possible. Be realistic when it comes to how you allot your time and to budgeting finances. Be aware this Scorpio Moon is in opposition to Mars on 4th May so heated arguments or angry outbursts are more likely. Later this week on Thurs 7th Venus enters Cancer until June 7th which should be felt as a more caring, sensitive, protective influence than Venus's recent time in Gemini that has been more sociable, restless, fickle, flirtatious and in the mood for variety.