Sunday, 16 August 2015

Saturday 15th August 2015, Leo stellium

With yesterday's New Moon in Leo, along with the Sun, Venus (Retrograde) and Mars also in Leo it's a very Leonine party in the sky. What does this all mean for us down here on earthly planes? - Creativity, playfulness, joyfulness, expression and affection. These influences can return us to our inner child and remind us to try and live more in the moment, to be passionate and fearless like a lion. As this New Moon is in trine with Uranus in Aries it can be a catalyst for reform or to be more 'out there' as Uranus is the maverick planet that rules Aquarius. Some people may want to get noticed as Leo likes attention, or may want to re invent their image or return to a past look with Venus Retrograde. This weekend could also potentially bring back long lost friends or sweet hearts may reunite as Venus Ret overtakes the Sun. The Moon is in opposition to Neptune so a great weekend for escapism, artistry, romance, wishing on a star, looking at old photos or watching old movies.