Thursday, 19 May 2016

Full Moon in Sagittarius 21st May 2016

At 22:15 UK time this Saturday 21st May the Moon is at it's fullest at 1 degree Sagittarius. So emotions may have been intensifying over the last few days, dreams may have been weirder or more premonative and may continue to be until next Wednesday. This Full Moon will be close to Mars Retrograde in Scorpio, which adds restlessness or a potential combative feel . High energy, a desire for more excitement or feelings of frustration or impatience are possible influences too. Road rage may be more evident on the roads is another interpretation, especially with Mercury Retrograde. Although it turns direct this weekend, it may still feel very Retrograde for a good week longer. Mars Retrograde conjunct this Moon could rush in, take risks and want action, but the Moon in Sagittarius on the cusp of Scorpio could rush in blindly and with Mars retrograde, plans or passions could be thwarted or regretted with hindsight. This full Moon could still be revealing though as they often are. Pay attention to whatever insights you are shown but don't necessarily put any realisations, plans or desires into action yet. This Full Moon in Sagittarius, on the cusp of Scorpio is both optimistic, adventurous and expressive. Fireworks and a desire to express oneself are possible. It's not a quiet full Moon, although do be aware for some people this competitive energy could be experienced as more covert than physical, (being so near Scorpio, more snake in the grass potentially.) The Sun in Gemini opposite Moon in Sagittarius shows polar challenges between logic and intuition, trying to find the balance between the two could help. A good time to analyse feelings through looking at different ideas or concepts (Gemini) and exploring philosophical theories (Sagittarius) as long as one's ego doesn't get in the way.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, May 2016 & New Moon in Taurus 6th May 2016

Mercury the planet of communication, thoughts and short distance travel has been in Retrograde motion (or appearing to go backwards in the sky) since April 28th, it turns direct on May 22nd but the Retrograde influence may take a good week or so after this date to settle, so things feel less thwarted. Taurus is a practical, earthy, sensual, aesthetic yet also stubborn, inflexible sign. Communications therefore may be hard work, creative or practical plans may be frustrated or blocked, some people may be loathe to revisit things they don't want to change. Yet regardless of the sign Mercury is travelling through, reflecting, re thinking, revisiting or even revamping your appearance (as Venus is also in Taurus) could be beneficial and bring about rejuvenating results. Rewind and get a second chance to redo or repeat things could be relevant to some. Of course, like all Mercury Retrograde periods you may find an increase in Mercurial challenges, more miscommunications, misunderstandings with dates or times, misreading information, extra traffic jams or machinery or technological breakdowns, extra computer problems or weird glitches generally. Delays or problems can be expected in financial areas too, as Taurus relates to the 2nd house. So internet banking, paypal etc.. could be more problematic for example. Sometimes having to re-do work can be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes, more often than not, it's simply a pain in the arse. Just being aware to double check information, re read small print before signing anything, make back ups of anything important, concentrate when putting objects away, as they're more likely to get lost (temporarily) and just try to think more carefully about what you write or say, can be helpful. Mercury Retrograde increases the chance of hearing from or bumping into old friends or people from the past.
On a positive note there is a New Moon tomorrow, Friday 6th May, 16 degrees in Taurus. The number 6 itself relates to the Lovers card in the Tarot and to the planet Venus which rules Taurus. Venus is a planet of harmony, love, creativity, relationships, money and balance. So a fortuitous date for this Taurus New Moon. Whenever there is a New Moon it means the Sun and Moon are in close proximity. So with the Sun, New Moon and Venus all in Taurus in grand trine to Jupiter Retrograde (Virgo) and Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) this could be felt as a positive shift or a new chapter in terms of inner transformation and personal growth. This Taurus energy is positive for enjoying food, creativity or anything sensual. Jupiter goes direct from Mon 9th May so this may be felt as more freedom, good fortune, bonhomie and expansion, moving forward. Common sense and moderation are wise to focus on over the coming months with Saturn Square Neptune, as realism and structure can help avoid pitfalls from self defeating or excessive habits or behaviours. New Moons are a positive time for thinking about new intentions and new plans even if you don't act upon them during this Mercury Retrograde period.