Full Moon in Aquarius at 25 degrees this Thursday, 18th August.
Aquarius energy is rebellious, freedom loving, humanitarian, sociable, zany, perverse & unpredictable. Aquarius can envisage the future and receive unexpected information from the cosmos. So many may have felt this influence increase during the last few days as the Moon waxes, along with disturbed sleep, odd dreams and erratic feelings. Don't forget the Full Moon's influence can be felt for several days after also. As this is a lunar eclipse expect the unexpected and disruptions to possible plans made the week before this Full Moon and the week after. It's not a significant lunar eclipse, only a partial shadow, so it's effects won't be felt for months after, as is often the case. Uranus rules Aries & Uranus is in positive aspect to this Full Moon which just amplifies Aquarius energy's increased desire to do something different, or the need to make a difference in the world or simply being free of daily chores and restrictions. Don't worry if you feel a bit crazier than normal, it's Uranian energy. Some people may feel like having a crazy hair cut or colour, different to their norm, but be aware this 'individualistic' energy may dissipate once the full Moon's influence has worn off.
Whenever there is a Full Moon it is opposite the Sun, which is presently in Leo, so Aquarius in polarity to Leo could be felt as strong wills in conflict or as increased moodiness, both signs have this tendency.
Saturn went Direct on 13th August after about 7 months of being Retrograde in Sagittarius. This means it is a positive time for consolidating what you've learnt, breaking down fears or boundaries or putting plans into practise, with no more hindrances. Another way of looking at Saturn direct - Restrictions will feel lifted.
Another influence this month is Mercury turning Retrograde, in Virgo, on 30th August. It's pre shadow effects will start to be felt and intensify from 18th until 21st and even after Mercury turns direct on 22nd September, for a few weeks after. Mercury Retrograde usually makes time feel slower and more frustrating with an increase in technological, machinery and communication breakdowns or misunderstandings. Travel disruptions and delays are usually worse during Merc Ret periods too. On the plus side it's a great time for reviewing, reflecting, re doing or re examining an old idea or project. Researching information and gathering more details could be beneficial. Reconciling old ideas is a possible interpretation too!