Full Moon in Virgo today (2nd March) at 11 degrees Virgo. So the previous 4 days and the next 4 days may feel more emotionally charged or you may simply feel more sensitive. Virgo can be quite critical and self critical too. The usual broken sleep or strange dreams are all possible as are big revelations or releasing emotions. Full Moons may feel hard but they always lead to the New Moon in a few weeks when things feel fresher and calmer hopefully, as a rule of thumb. Of course, it depends on the aspects to other planets.
Virgo is a perfectionist, hard working, practical sign which is rather analytical too. As this Virgo Full Moon is opposite Sun and Neptune in Pisces (along with Mercury, Venus & Chiron) the swing between fantasy, imagination, escapism, confusion and a desire to get things done could be challenging. If you find you're dreaming and imagining magical thoughts one minute and then seriously analysing in detail practical matters the next, don't worry. Full Moon times can be beneficial for stopping bad habits, rather than indulging (If you do indulge, take care as excess is more likely and can get out of control) With health conscious Virgo and the Moon in positive trine to Saturn, being in control and remaining grounded are assisted. Additionally Virgo's obsessive or extreme attention to detail could be positively used for tasks that need to be done or for artisan work.
No planets are retrograde in the first week of March which is very unusual so it's a great time to get things started or done before Mercury Retrograde's pre Shadow influence which begins on 8th March, even though it doesn't go Retrograde until 22nd March through to 11th April. Mercury Retrograde in Aries may bring impatient communication, people blurting out insensitive comments or people selfishly or angrily throwing their toys out of the pram.
Mercury (planet of thoughts and communication) Retrograde conjunct Venus (planet of love, creativity, healing, money) may turn more thoughts to review or revisit the area of love, relationships, conversations and past connections. The odds are more likely to bump into (literally) or hear from old friends or loves from the past. Aries is ruled by Mars the planet of war and action so a potentially good time to re visit or re do creative projects. Aries can be accident prone and traffic problems and machinery/technological breakdowns often increase during Merc Ret periods, so don't kick that washing machine in frustration if it conks out or impatiently rush to get somewhere as you're already late; you're more likely to injure yourself or others in the process. Headaches may be heightened too during the Mercury Retrograde period in Aries.