Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Month of transformation, July 2015 Blue Moon, Venus Retrograde, Uranus Retrograde, Saturn direct

Venus turned Retrograde on 25th July, Uranus turned Retrograde on 26th July and a second Full Moon of the month (known as a Blue Moon) is in Aquarius this Friday 31st. What does this all mean? Well this Full Moon is like a book end to the previous Full Moon on 1st July in Capricorn - important lessons may have been learnt and will culminate with many feeling a desire to break free (Aquarius) from the old structures or routines (Capricorn) and shut the door on some matters (especially with Saturn turning Direct from 2nd August.) Aquarius is an individualistic, independent, maverick planet and is forward looking and futuristic. This Full Moon in Aquarius will be amplified by Venus Retrograde. Significantly the next blue Moon isn't until 2018. So it is like the last wake up call regarding things that begun in 2012. It will appear and feel like things are slowing down with all these Retrograde planets and may culminate matters forcing us to revise old ideas or situations. It's a month of potential transformation (not necessarily easy) even if it's just internally felt, for some. Uranus Retrograde is not a passive or gentle influence, it can be a generational influence, showing global changes but it can also push us, individually, out of our comfort zone. Think of the Tower card in the tarot, change or upheaval may be thrust upon us, sometimes out of our control or it may be internal revolutions, with lightening bulb moments or understandings. Uranus is rebellious, revolutionary, freedom loving and seeks change like Aquarius the planet it rules. This Uranus Retrograde which lasts till December is most likely to effect people with planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. It's a time of no more excuses, to review what we need to liberate us from restrictions or the old, a time to look at repetitive patterns or old habits and understand the whys and what's instead of burying our heads in the sand. Making extreme changes is generally best delayed during Retrograde periods as a rule of thumb.

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