Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Mercury Retrograde in Libra 17th Sept - 9th October 2015

Mercury Retrograde commences from tomorrow 17th Sept until 9th October. In the air sign of Libra at 15 degrees, this influence accentuates indecisevenss, changing your mind about what you think and re evaulating ideas from the past. Libra is about truth, justice and relationships with others. So close partnerships may be affected. You might find you re think things about past relationships (this doesn't just have to be romantic, it can be platonic or work relationships.) Be aware that Libra energy is idealistic and with my previous post, past memories may be filtered with rose coloured glasses but these thoughts could change again after the end of October onwards. As this astrological influence happens three, sometimes four times a year and it's effects can be 8 weeks at a time, it's something to look at as part of life. Yes, there will be misunderstandings and miscommunications, yes, technology and traffic will have breakdowns and delays. There might just be an bit of an increase with these incidents. Mercury Retrograde makes us more 'right brained' than usual. Perhaps this means that left handed people are less effected as they are inherently orientated to a right brain side way of thinking and operating. Anyway, it can be a good time to slow down and reflect and mull over things. A pause for thought. As always just pay more attention to what you say (as what you think you've said may be different to what was understood) and if you make any agreements or purchases or sign any contracts (make sure the terms and conditions are clear to you and read extra carefully) I still believe it's a good rule of thumb to avoid buying technology or machinery during this period but if you have to, just make sure there is a good returns policy etc...Although Mercury turns direct on 9th Oct, the post shadow phase can still feel like Mercury Retrograde is on. So from 25th October all should feel like it's returned to a normal pace.

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