Thursday, 7 April 2016

7th April 2016 New Moon in Aries

Today's super New Moon is in Aries at 18 degrees. New Moons are considered to be a positive time to set new intentions or to implement something. Obviously it doesn't mean do something just for the sake of it but with the Sun, Venus and Uranus also in Aries it could be a good time to embrace Aries optimistic, pioneering, go getting energy. A sense of excitement or anticipation or a desire for change or action, may be in the air for some people as Uranus is conjunct (close to) the New Moon. Uranus is about shaking things up and Aries doesn't sit on his laurels. Itchy feet, a desire for independence and breaking from the past are other possible influences some people may experience especially as Chiron is still conjunct the past South Node in Pisces. So some people may feel ready to forge ahead, break free from past wounds and to be emotionally honest. If anyone is going to take action it's probably wiser to get things moving before Mars turns Retrograde on 17th April and Mercury turns Retrograde on April 28th. If you can put important events on hold till July onwards, even better but sometimes in life you can't so don't worry just know you may need more gusto or elbow grease to get things moving and just leave more time for delays etc like always with Merc Ret periods. This New Moon may feel exciting for some but unsettling for others as Pluto is square this New Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus. Unexpected upheavals could arise or change being forced upon us. Try to go with the flow, as best you can and know things will feel slower and there will be more time to digest events with the soon to be inner planet retrogrades.

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