Tuesday 13 December 2016

Full Moon in Gemini 13/14th December 2016

Full Moon in Gemini 22 degrees on 14th December in the UK at 12.05 a.m. Gemini is a highly strung, emotionally changeable sign with an over active mind, restless energy, a heightened imagination and a love of communicating. The four days before and four days after a Full Moon are when the influences are most likely to be experienced. As always Full Moons make many people feel more emotional, super sensitive, moody or extreme. With Gemini the Jekyl and Hyde sign just be aware people may say one thing one day and then have a different stance on another. Remember Full Moons can increase insomnia and provoke lucid or strange dreams. Full Moons often bring about revelations and with a Gemini Full Moon two faced people's true colours may come to light or people may show their duplicitous ways. On the plus side Gemini is witty, sociable, playful, spontaneous and curious so a good Full Moon for Christmas Party season chatting to lots of different people and making small talk or doing something impromptu or fun. Even more so as this Gemini Moon is in positive trine to Jupiter in people loving Libra. Different thoughts and illuminations may occur to you as Gemini is good at seeing different points of view. Gemini has a duality to it, some people may feel this influence as a tug of war being pulled in different directions or feeling like a person spinning plates. This Full Moon is a mixed bag and will be experienced in different ways for people. Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius could be felt as a pull between frivolity and wisdom and responsibility. Sun conjunct Saturn was described brilliantly by an astrologer called Tanaaz as taming a wild horse. So this influence could prevent people acting too Full Moon loco. Venus and Mars in Aquarius are helpful influences for getting glamorous and trying out new hairstyles or a different style of outfit to the norm. Mercury Retrograde's pre shadow influence (Mercury turns Retrograde on 19th) is already being experienced with increased travel delays, confused thinking, mixing up words, saying strange things and weird technological blips. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini,Virgo (both ruled by Mercury) and Aquarius are the worst times for computer and tech problems. Back up anything important!

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