Saturday, 25 February 2017

26th February 2017 Solar Eclipse, New Moon in Pisces

On Sunday 26th February at 2:58 pm (London time) there is a Solar Eclipse, Pisces New Moon at 8 degrees. New Moons are a good time for clearing, setting new intentions or for inventing new chapters. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, South Node and Chiron will all be in Pisces which is a sweet, mutable, dreamy, sensitive sign notorious for being passive, confused or indecisive. Solar Eclipses are a powerful opportunity to harness the New Moon energy to catalyse change. A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. This Pisces Solar Eclipse is about the creative force of imagination, nostalgia (especially as conjunct the South Node) and higher consciousness. If you want to access sacred inspiration and transcend the mundane, musical or artistic sources may assist. Leonardo de Vinci and Michaelangelo were both born with their Moons in Pisces in the first decan (within 10 degrees) so are good examples to highlight the stroke of creative and imaginative genius that is possible with first Decan Moon in Pisces. It is also a mystical, spiritual New Moon which suggests to even dream, fantasise or creatively visualise new possibilities (even if undecided exactly where you want to go), is a a good start. It is important to remind you that Neptune the ruler of Pisces is a strong influence which means idealism, sensitivity, sentimentality and poetic longings are possible. With Mars, Venus and Uranus in fiery Aries in opposition to Jupiter in Libra, extreme passion, ardour or excitement may also be experienced. Mars in opposition to Jupiter could be felt as daring, go getting energy quite different to the Pisces emphasis during this Solar Eclipse. It really depends how this passionate or sexual energy is directed. Mars conjunct Uranus could be quite electric or innovative. So a 'hit' song could be written quickly, a poet or artist could be struck by 'the muse' and produce a spontaneous work of beauty or some people may simply feel restless, anticipation in the air but not know what to do with this energy, to name but a few examples.It's important to mention the potential negative side of Pisces energy ie negative escapism, victim mentality but hopefully this solar eclipse clearing will allow any one so inclined to imagine change or what they wish to break free especially with the helpful Mars, Uranus in Aries aspect.

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