The first few weeks in November look to be relatively positive yet intense. This weekend is full of lovely astrological influences with the Moon in imaginative, fairy tale Pisces; with lovely aspects between Venus the planet of love and creativity in sextile to Jupiter and Pluto. Plus Mars the planet of action is sextile Jupiter the planet of abundance. What does this all mean in layman's terms? Good feeling, positive opportunities to cook, design, be creative and to share romantic or harmonious times with others.
From Monday, although the Moon will still be in Pisces, people may begin to feel the waxing of the Moon, which culminates in a Full Moon this Thursday 6th Nov in Taurus. The usual heightened emotions, increased sensitivity, restlessness, vivid dreams or disturbed sleep and even feeling a bit 'loco' are possible. Taurus is ruled by Venus but this Full Moon in Taurus will be opposite the Sun and Venus both in Scorpio. Venus in opposition to the Moon can be hungry for love and affection. So Taurus being creative, practical, sensual, stable and sensible in polar direction to Scorpio which is passionate, intense, extreme could manifest in potential ways. As Taurus is the creator and Scorpio the destroyer (Think of the phoenix rising from the ashes) people could find during this time a desire to let go of old attachments or feel like they are ready for a re-birth (especially as the recent solar eclipse in nought degrees Scorpio can be experienced up to 6 months later.) At the least feelings are likely be to intensified and/or creative and this positive full Moon in Taurus could be used to think of how can one create more possibilities or express sensuality or passion in the broad sense. Many people confuse sensuality with sexuality when Taurus is much more aesthetic, appreciating anything using the five senses and Scorpio is more sexual and passionate. So food, massage, decorating, designing, music, anything that's a feast for the eyes may be enjoyable things to explore on Thursday and four days before or after this influence when the influence can still be felt.
During this Full Moon period and beyond Mars will be conjunct (close to) Pluto, (both co-rulers of Scorpio) so determination may run high and this could be a great time for feeling stronger will power and for focus to come more easily. Mars will be in pro active Capricorn until Dec 6th and Mercury will be returning for several days to Scorpio (where it was briefly during the last Mercury Retrograde) so projects that were put on hold or experienced delays can be returned to and start moving. All in all November could prove to be a much pro active, passionate, interesting month. More to come about the latter half in a few weeks time when Venus, the Sun and New Moon will be in Sagittarius (all very positive.)
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