Saturday, 1 November 2014

Aug 5th 2014 - Leo dominant month

August continues to be a Leo focused month with not only the Sun in Leo but also Mercury in Leo and Jupiter in Leo (till next August). Plus Venus moves into Leo on 12th Aug. 
Wed 6th There is a positive grand fire trine between the Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Aries, fateful coincidences increased, inspired feelings and creative, positive feelings may be in the air. 
Thursday: A lovely mystical, compassionate Mars is in trine to Neptune, as the Moon moves into ambitious Capricorn you may find it easier to get things done and experience gentler, more empathic reactions than you'd expect.
Friday: Another inspiring day with Mercury the planet of communication and thinking in positive triangle to Uranus the planet of the unusual and the unexpected and Neptune. Some conversations could be sobering with Mercury square Saturn. Sunday: Full Moon in Aquarius is known as a Super Full Moon as it appears largest and is closest to the earth for this year (the next one isn't until the end of next Sept). As always the influence may be felt 4 days before and 4 days after with general increased emotional restlessness, strange dreams, broken sleep and irritability are possible influences. Aquarius is an air sign which is sociable, freedom loving, eccentric, intuitive and rebellious so heightened feelings of wanting go break free or have an adventure are possible. This Full Moon is in opposition to Mercury so you may find you vacillate between gut versus logic. During this Full Moon you may find it harder to think clearly yet you will have interesting intuitions. This Full Moon is square Saturn so you may feel there are too many changes and may feel more judged or sensitive to criticisms or feel you are being tested. Aquarius reminds you to embrace your unique personality. If you feel rebellious don't be surprised.

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