Saturday, 1 November 2014

Total Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon in Aries - 8th Oct 2014

There is a Full Moon in Aries this Wed 8th Oct. It is also a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE as the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon creating a full shadow. Don't be surprised if everything feels overwhelming and like things are breaking down. Breakthroughs are common during Eclipses but this particular one can be positive and liberating; Aries and Uranus are both bold, brave and daring energies. Uranus a planet of unexpected revolution and freedom is close (conjunct) to this Aries Moon so you may feel a deep desire to break free from old patterns. Or sudden changes or revelations arise. Even if you can't implement this change yet, or you feel matters are out of your control (Mercury retrograde may hinder) this lunar eclipse can pave the way for positive change or self awareness when the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (New Moon) occurs on 23rd October. This Full Moon known as the Hunter's Moon in the Pagan Calendar is also referred to as a Blood Moon as the Earth’s shadow falls across the entire moon -- turning it red.. The Grand Fire Trine today between Jupiter, Uranus and Mars in Sagittarius gives people the chance to heal the challenges from April's grand cardinal cross. Full Lunar Eclipses can feel very full on as experiences can be packed into a concentrated time. The chances of earthquakes and global changes are heightened on wed 8th. I also predict an increase in people updating their profile pictures (if they don't normally during this full moon effect until next Sun) or will feel the need to revolutionise/change their appearance or outlook (Venus and the north node are close to this Aries Moon). Alternatively if you only plan or ponder an aesthetic change now some people may actually alter their appearance during the solar eclipse when Venus is conjunct the new Moon in Scorpio.

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